Brilliant artist

It's time to take a little break from farming and spot wars. We are announcing a discord event where you will be required to spend some money.
Yes, you guessed it right, Keltir is calling all creative individuals to a competition for drawing adena and other valuable objects. Your favorite green meadow or snow-covered plain can serve as a canvas, and your imagination will tell you what to paint.
If you are not sure that you can create a masterpiece worthy of the Keltir's Gallery, sign up as an art critic and vote for your favorite works, because your vote can be decisive in choosing the winner.


Competition rules:

  • Create a drawing using any items that are in your inventory - adena, arrows, crystals, etc.
  • Add a signature to the drawing - KELTIR.
  • Take a screenshot of your character near the work and post it in a special topic ⁠#event-ивент.



1st place - 30 Keltir Coin

2nd place - 20 Keltir Coin

3rd place - 10 Keltir Coin


The terms of participation:

  • Works will be accepted until May 13.
  • The work must be completed on the Keltir C4 x1 game server.
  • The number of works from one participant is not limited.
  • Vulgar and offensive drawings will not be accepted.


Voting and choosing the winners:

  • The winners will be determined by the number of likesunder the works.
  • Only votes for Like are counted.
  • Flooding in the topic ⁠#event-ивент is prohibited. Create a thread to discuss the work.